{ARTISOFT'S TECHNICAL SUPPORT CENTER} Technical Support is free to all owners of Artisoft products and is available between the hours of 7:00AM and 5:00PM Mountain Standard Time. Users can contact a Technical Support Representative for assistance by calling (602)293-6363. If a customer prefers, a message for a return call can be left at this number as well. An alternative method to receive Technical Support is to FAX in requests for support. The Artisoft FAX telephone number is (602)293-8065. Users may access the Artisoft BBS for Technical Support. This telephone number is (602)293-0065; it is an open BBS for all owners of Artisoft products. On CompuServe, Artisoft has a forum, also; use GO ARTISOFT to gain access once connected to CompuServe. Technical Bulletins are available on Artisoft's Automated FAX System (AFS). To download bulletins from the AFS, customers should use the hand-set on their FAX machines to dial (602)293-1397 and follow the voice prompts to download the selected bulletins. For a list of available bulletins, download FAX number 2. During the initial greeting after dialing the (602)293-6363 telephone number, the customer is prompted to press 3 for Technical Support. After pressing 3, the customer will hear further voice prompts as follows: {o} For Windows support, press 1: If the customer is having problems using Microsoft's Windows on a LANtastic network, or with LANtastic for Windows, this queue will ensure that a Technical Support Representative trained to support Windows will answer the call. {o} For third party adapters, LANtastic/Z, Central Station, or ArtiCom support, press 2: If a customer has any of these products, this queue will ensure that a Technical Support Representative specially trained on these products will answer the call. {o} For LANtastic and all other Artisoft products, press 3: Then choose 1: for new installation assistance or 2: for help with an existing network. All queues are answered on a FIFO (first-in-first-out) basis. In order for Technical Support to help troubleshoot problems as efficiently as possible, it is important - {o} for customers to call using a telephone as close to the problem computer as possible. {o} to have the hardware and software manuals associated with the network near at hand in case the Technical Support Representative needs to refer the customer to specific sections of the manuals for details such as various available jumper settings or the syntax for a switch on a software command line. {o} to help the Technical Support Representative quickly identify where to begin to troubleshoot, by having error messages that appear on the computer's monitor written down; a short description of the problem and what operation was being performed when the error message was displayed is important as well. {o} to have the serial number available; this is located on the label of the original network operating system diskette, on the registration card included in the box, or on the side of the box itself. {o} when FAXing in requests for Technical Support, to be sure to include the company name, the contact's name, a return telephone number, and a return FAX number.